Pilgrim Skating Club Learn to Skate, located at the Hobomock Arenas in Pembroke, MA offers group lessons for children and adults ages 3 and up. Lessons teach skating skills for BOTH Figure Skating and Ice Hockey. It is a fun, challenging as well as rewarding program that allows skaters to learn the fundamentals of the sport and will hopefully instill a lifelong love of skating. Skaters are divided by level, ranging from the absolute beginner to the more advanced skater. All classes follow the Learn to Skate USA curriculum endored by US Figure Skating and USA Hockey, offering something for everyone- from the first steps on the ice to mastering advanced skill sets. All PSC’s Learn to Skate classes are taught by highly qualified, Learn to Skate USA certified instructors.
*Please Note that we do not offer Skate Rentals.
All Learn to Skate participants must have their own skates (no double runners please) and helmet (bike, hockey, or ski)
~Classes are 40 minute group instruction with a coach followed by a supervised free skate ~
There is a $25 required annual Learn to Skate USA registration fee per skater valid July 1st, 2024 – June 30th, 2025. This fee is mandatory to participate in this learn to skate program.
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Learn to Skate Session Schedule
Beginner Membership
Supplement your group learn to skate lessons with an occasional private lesson for more focused attention with PSC’s Beginner membership!
~excel at a faster pace than in group lessons ~obtain assistance developing a difficult skill and get over a “skating hurdle” ~pursue a competitive path of skating and/or increase your commitment to skating
For more information on the beginner membership and how to get started contact Allison Higgins our Learn to Skate Director via email at amhh73@yahoo.com.